Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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The strategic and dynamic front of Hezbollah

Lebanon's Hezbollah is at the peak of its power and does not make a promise unless it fulfills it.
News ID: 84798
Publish Date: 21July 2024 - 11:20

TEHRAN (defapress) - "Lebanon's Hezbollah is at the height of its power despite all internal, external, and international pressures, shortages, and enmities, and Hezbollah does not make promises unless it fulfills them", the director of the International Anti-Zionist Research and Studies Center. 

The strategic and dynamic front of Hezbollah

He added: Therefore, for everyone - even the enemies of Hezbollah, especially the criminal Zionists - it has become clear and accepted that the rationality and logic governing the leadership and social body of Hezbollah is the fundamental capital of the resistance movement.

Because Hezbollah is tireless and unstoppable:
1. They know what they want;
2. They know how to get what they want. 

The resistance movement, especially Hezbollah, has learned that entering any battle without a proper strategy will not achieve much. "The resistance of Lebanon's Hezbollah has been wise wherever it intervenes".

Martyr resistance commanders such as Imad Mughniyeh, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, Qasem Soleimani, Mostafa Badreddin, Razi, Zahedi, etc., with divine guidance and intelligence, had understood where, when, how, and with which people, equipment, tools, and facilities start and where, when and with what results to end them.

Only some of the achievements of this wise resistance have been the consecutive victories in the battles of Lebanon and Gaza, breaking the complex and dangerous conspiracy of ISIS and thwarting the malicious designs of America in the region.

A review of the situation throughout the West Asian region shows that the resistance front knows:
- Clear and accessible goals;
- A strategy appropriate to the dimensions of the problems and issues;
- The correct pattern of friendship and enmity;
- Efficient and stable equation to gain profit and prevent loss.

Resistance should be alert to the wrong addresses that follow "pseudo resistance with luster and glaze" instead of "wise resistance".


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