Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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General-Secretary of al-Nujaba Announced:

The Resistance’s decision to expand anti-Israel operations

Shaykh al-Kaabi reacted to the Zionist regime’s air attack against Yemen’s infrastructure and facilities by publishing a message.
News ID: 84807
Publish Date: 22July 2024 - 12:44

TEHRAN (defapress) - Shaykh Akram al-Kaabi, the secretary-general of the al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement, wrote in a statement, “The Zionist regime’s actions and their foolish coalition in targeting the infrastructures of dear Yemen, after the increase of Zionist casualties and the insecurity of their safe areas – in such a way that now they are waiting for death at any moment – this is a new page of crimes and failures of this regime; The crimes that the free people of the world and the Islamic Resistance Axis – who will never leave Palestine – will not leave it unanswered in any way.”

The Resistance’s decision to expand anti-Israel operations

Shaykh al-Kaabi continued, “Therefore, the process of the Islamic Resistance’s operations in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq, which has started since Operation al-Aqsa Storm, will be expanded to support our brothers in the Palestinian Resistance groups.”

He pointed out, “The brave Palestinian men stood up against the Zionist war machine, which is supported by the United States, and turned it into a joke in front of the world. Until now, Israel has no choice but to commit the most heinous crimes against children and women.”

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