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Iran warns against nuclear threats directed by Israeli regime

Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations warned about the danger of the Israeli regime's nuclear weapons.
News ID: 84423
Publish Date: 14November 2023 - 10:39

Iran warns against nuclear threats directed by Israeli regimeIran's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations, Amir Saied Iravani on Monday at the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction, stated, "At the regional level, the arsenal of weapons held by the Israeli regime has generated immense and actual concerns of proliferation."

He further explained, "The existence of such weapons, at the regional or global level, poses an existential threat to humanity, often serving as a tool for blackmail."

Stating that the secrecy of Israel's nuclear capabilities is a significant threat to regional stability, Iravani added, "In light of recent atrocities in the Middle East, we express our urgent concern regarding Israel's policy of nuclear ambiguity and the potential use of weapons of mass destruction in the Gaza conflict or elsewhere, if not prevented now."

Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, pointing out that now, more than ever, creating a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction is essential as a fundamental step toward a safer future, emphasized, "In these critical times, the imperative to establish such a zone in the Middle East has never been more urgent."

Iravani stated that the actions of the Israeli regime, including examples of terrorism and sabotage against civilian nuclear programs and scientists in the region, called for immediate intervention from international bodies such as the UN Security Council and the IAEA, adding, "The international community must acknowledge these threats by the Israeli regime as a stark wake-up call."

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