Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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The al-Qassam Brigades gave details about the Jabalia operation

The Military Media of the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, published a recorded video addressing the families of Israeli captives and the dead, detailing the operation carried out in Jabalia and saying "Do not believe your government or your army".
News ID: 84611
Publish Date: 02June 2024 - 08:57

The al-Qassam Brigades gave details about the Jabalia operationTEHRAN (defapress) - The Brigades started the video with a recorded message from a previous statement made by spokesperson Abu Obeida, telling the Israeli audience that the Israeli occupation forces have been scouring the piles of rubble in search of the remains of the Israeli hostages they deliberately bombed while throwing thousands of soldiers in Gazan alleys, sacrificing them for Benjamin Netanyahu's gains and his extremist government's interests.

In its address, al-Qassam announced that its fighters were able to lure occupation soldiers into a tunnel, noting that the occupation failed to intercept the Resistance fighters despite entering a drone beforehand to check out the tunnel. As soon as the drone was out, the Resistance fighters advanced to the location of the ambush as per a previously agreed upon plan.

Upon the arrival of the Israeli soldiers to the ambush inside the tunnel, they were confronted by Resistance fighters at point zero. Two soldiers were killed when Resistance fighters blew up the eye of the tunnel before occupation soldiers dug up the surrounding area. As they continued their path, thinking the Resistance fighters had evacuated the tunnel, the occupation soldiers sent in more soldiers.

Contrary to their expectations, the occupation soldiers were caught in another ambush inside the tunnel, where Resistance fighters had planted hidden bombs. When the occupation sent in reinforcement, Resistance fighters clashed with them, detonating a bomb against them, before bombing the tunnel itself and leaving.

Al-Qassam also released the identity and photo of one of the killed soldiers, saying it was holding his body captive. Speaking to the Israeli occupation leadership, al-Qassam said, "You know him very well, why are you lying to your audience? Is he one of the mercenaries you have not announced since October 7? Or is your racism manifested even when differentiating between your dead?"

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