Updated in: 27 June 2024 - 23:41
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Biden's proposal is an "absolute failure" for the Zionist regime

The radical members of the ruling cabinet of the Zionist regime threatened the Prime Minister of this regime that they would dissolve the cabinet if Joe Biden's proposed ceasefire plan were accepted.
News ID: 84614
Publish Date: 02June 2024 - 10:01

Biden's proposal is anTEHRAN (defapress) - In a situation where Hamas welcomed the three-stage ceasefire plan of the US President and evaluated it as "positive", the hardline ministers of Israel, once again warned against accepting the ceasefire agreement from Netanyahu's cabinet.

The Minister of Internal Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the Finance Minister of the Zionist regime, Bezalel Smotrich, threatened to dissolve the government if they agreed to Biden's plan to exchange prisoners.

In this regard, Ben-Gvir with insulting literature said that this plan means the victory of the Palestinians and is a security risk for Israel.

He also emphasized that acceptance of this plan is not "absolute victory" but "absolute defeat" and we will never allow the war to stop without the complete destruction of Hamas.  

Ben-Gvir announced that if Netanyahu agrees to the proposed plan, we will overthrow the government.

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