Updated in: 27 July 2024 - 15:13
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Israel used JDAM to create the al-Mawasi genocide

The bomb used by Israeli forces in the al-Mawasi massacre was a JDAM bomb made in the United States.
News ID: 84777
Publish Date: 14July 2024 - 13:20

TEHRAN (defapress) - Israeli military radio stated that the Israeli Air Force dropped a total of 8 JDAM bombs during the massacre, which resulted in at least 90 Gazans being killed and 300 wounded. This martyr toll is rising because they are still finding bodies under the rubble. 

Israel used JDAM to create the al-Mawasi genocide

Known for its precision and advanced targeting capabilities, the JDAM is a device installed on the Mark 80 series bombs, which converts dumb bombs into precision munitions.

These bombs guided by laser and/or GPS, combine artificial intelligence and advanced sensor technology, and is manufactured by the US and Israel.

A few months ago, the bombs were the cause of serious controversy in the US military's weapons delivery dilemma, the director of Israeli military technology company Asgard, Rotem Meital said.

Tags: gaza ، Al-Mawasi ، israel
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