Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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Hamas demanded the immediate action of the UN Security Council to end the war in Gaza

Hamas demanded the immediate action of the Security Council to end the occupation and repeated violations of resolutions by this regime.
News ID: 84786
Publish Date: 20July 2024 - 12:13

TEHRAN (defapress) - Following the issuance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the illegality of the existence of this regime in the occupied territories, the Islamic resistance movement of Hamas welcomed the legal opinion of the Hague Court.

Hamas demanded the immediate action of the UN Security Council to end the war in Gaza

The Islamic resistance movement of Hamas supported the legal judgment of the International Court of Justice, in which it emphasized the illegitimacy of the Zionist regime's occupation of the Palestinian lands, and emphasized the necessity of ending it as soon as possible and pointed to stopping the Zionist settlement construction in the Palestinian lands, and the aggressions and crimes of the Zionist regime against the nation and land of Palestine. 

The Palestine Information Center reported on Friday night that Hamas emphasized in a statement that by issuing this decision and asking the United Nations and the Security Council to take the necessary measures to end the occupation of the Zionist regime, the international system is facing the responsibility of immediate efforts to end this occupation.

The Islamic resistance movement of Hamas insisted on the implementation of successive resolutions of the International Court of Justice, especially in the shadow of the genocidal war against the people of Gaza, the dangerous development of settlements in the West Bank, and the extensive effort to Judaize Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this statement, it is stated: After the consultative decision of the International Court of Justice, which was issued with a majority vote, we ask the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council to take the necessary measures to end the occupation of the Zionist regime, especially in the shadow of this regime's opposition to the acceptance of the resolutions under the guise of accusing them as anti-Semitism.

Hamas pointed out that the International Court of Justice has issued several resolutions calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza and has emphasized the need to facilitate the sending of humanitarian aid across the strip and to stop the ongoing criminal military operations in Rafah. However, the government of the occupying regime had the full support of the US government and violated all these resolutions.
Today it has attacked the Hague Court, and in this regard, we ask the international community to implement these resolutions and put aside the will of the American government and try to oblige the occupiers immediately implement the decision.



Tags: hamas ، gaza ، israel
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