Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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Israel is unable to control the increasing budget deficit

Experts and officials in the occupied territories emphasize that with the continuation of the upward trend of increasing the budget deficit of the Zionist government in the shadow of the war, plans to control and reduce it will not be implemented.
News ID: 84800
Publish Date: 21July 2024 - 14:52

TEHRAN (defapress) - The head of the Central Bank of the Zionist regime also recently called the economic uncertainty of Israel in the shadow of the war complicated and said that the trend of increasing the budget deficit this year and in the coming years could become uncontrollable.

Israel is unable to control the increasing budget deficit

The Ministry of Finance of the Zionist regime has announced that the budget deficit of this regime reached 10 billion in May, which is about three billion dollars, which indicates the increase in expenses as a result of the war that this regime has waged in the Gaza Strip.

During the last 12 months, the budget deficit of the Zionist regime increased to about 138 billion shekels, equivalent to seven and two-tenths of the GDP.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Finance of the Zionist regime, the major increase in the budget deficit is due to the increase in the expenses of the Ministry of War of the Zionist regime and the expenses of the civilian ministries due to the war with Gaza.

According to this ministry, the cost of the war in Gaza, which started last October, amounted to 70 billion shekels, i.e. 18.5 billion dollars. The estimates of the Ministry of Finance of the Zionist regime show that the budget deficit will reach its peak by next September.

The Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Zionist regime, which monitors the speed of the government's spending, has observed a more pessimistic situation and believes that the financial deficit of 2024 will end with about eight percent of the GDP.

Tags: israel ، gaza
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