Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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The unsafe sky of Tel Aviv during these days

The failure of the Israeli defense system in intercepting and destroying the Yemeni Jaffa drone showed once again that the Zionist regime cannot claim absolute air superiority and anyone who says otherwise has made a misleading statement.
News ID: 84808
Publish Date: 22July 2024 - 13:40

TEHRAN (defapress) - Before the defeat of the Zionist regime in the Tammuz war in 2006 and the Al-Aqsa storm operation in 2023, some believed that the occupier regime is one of the most powerful regimes in the region and the world, and defeating this regime requires a difficult process.

The unsafe sky of Tel Aviv during these days

Because this regime has always sought to dominate the region by force of weapons, and of course, it still has a wide range of military and intelligence options that enable this regime to impose its thoughts on others; especially those who accept the supremacy and dominance of this regime and believe that going to war with this regime, even if it is for self-defense, is a losing war, and will only lead to losses and destruction.

Of course, needless to say, the inability of some governments or countries in the region to deal with this regime, which they called a monster, was almost understandable; because in the past, the military, technological, and intelligence capabilities have always been in favor of this regime, and in addition, this wild monster has also enjoyed the unlimited support of its American and Western allies.

Although the submission of the reactionary regimes of the region to the Hebrew government allowed this regime to become the gendarme of the region and whip its thick whip whenever and wherever it wanted, after the Tammuz war and especially the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the situation changed and powerful opponents appeared in the front line who have been able to stand up against this criminal regime and create new equations and laws that did not exist before or were not effective.

This powerful opponent's name is the axis of resistance; however, Americans and Westerners, to distort the face of their esteemed opponent in public opinion, call it the axis of evil in their media circles! and they act against this front to distract others and focus from the Zionist child-killing regime to this group.

Even today, when we are in the 10th month of the decisive battle in Gaza, we see that the position of the occupying Zionist regime and its regional and international allies is extremely shaky as a result of the significant and unexpected developments that are taking place against it by the axis of resistance and the fragile structure of this regime, which relied on myths and illusions to stabilize its foundations and strengthen its structure, has been exposed.

The Zionist regime, which claimed before the Al-Aqsa storm operation, that its skies are protected by important defense systems such as the Iron Dome, David's Sling, etc., was recently attacked by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the True Promise operation rocket and drone attacks by Lebanon's Hezbollah in the north of the occupied territories and the drone attack of the Islamic resistance of Iraq and Yemen, was revealed that it was fake.

Therefore, the Zionist regime cannot claim absolute air superiority because in addition to the Al-Aqsa storm operation by the Palestinians, the missile and drone attack by the Iranians in the True Promise operation and recently the Yemeni drone attack showed that the Israelis are not capable of protecting their airspace, and anyone who says otherwise has made a misleading statement.

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