23 October 2024
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Hezbollah's strategy in the battle with the Zionist regime

Lebanon's Hezbollah is changing its war phase from a support war to a war of attrition against the Zionist enemy.
News ID: 85190
Publish Date: 22October 2024 - 08:32

TEHRAN (Defapress) - Lebanon's Hezbollah has recently changed the war from a support strategy that lasted almost a year to an attrition war.

Hezbollah's strategy in the battle with the Zionist regime

The support war lasted from October 8, 2023, to September 23, 2024, and the war of attrition began on September 23 and is still ongoing.

Support war tactics and strategy

- Carrying out military and security operations and hitting the political and strategic goals of the Zionist regime.

- Engaging a significant part of the Zionist army in the north of occupied Palestine.

- Lowering the war performance of the Zionist regime on the southern front through complex operations on the northern front.

- Consolidation of the theory of the unity of the resistance fronts through action, not only in speech but especially in the organizational connection between the northern and southern fronts.

- The display of Arab-Islamic solidarity as a historical scene in which there is no doubt.

- The balance between adherence to the Palestinian issue, the requirements of Lebanon's national interests, and the country's security, considering domestic sensitivities.

Attrition war tactics and strategy

Lebanese Hezbollah is professionally eroding the strength of the Israeli army in two fields that are parallel and complementary to each other.

- Military operations on the borders of Lebanon with Israel; Hezbollah is destroying the goals and efforts of the Zionist regime for a ground attack.

- Security operations inside the occupied territories: Hezbollah is targeting military and strategic targets in the center of the Zionist regime, i.e. the triangle of Haifa (economic capital), Tel Aviv (political capital), and Quds (historical capital), which from the central core of Israel.

In what direction will the attrition war go?

Hezbollah's war of attrition against the Zionist regime can lead to several results that directly and indirectly affect this regime:

- Causing a lot of damage to the Israeli army and its military and logistics capabilities and placing a heavy price on the army, government, economy, and property of the Zionist regime.

- Directly and indirectly inflicting economic losses and burdening them on the Israeli government and public opinion; For example, the decrease in the income of the economic sector and the flight of investments and funds from inside to outside of Israel.

- Targeting Israel's internal front in general and their ideology in particular, and further, creating security instability in the depths of the Zionist regime.

- Targeting the domestic front and deteriorating the mental and spiritual condition of the Zionists through psychological and media operations and creating public panic.

- Destruction of Israeli military infrastructure including barracks, camps, platforms, equipment, and machines.

The results of the attrition war

This war can lead to military and political gains. The success of the resistance in this war depends on factors such as the ability to resist on the battlefield, the level of resilience of the Lebanese people, and the strength of the resistance to hit the Zionist regime, if the conditions are met, it may lead to the following:

- The gradual lowering of the level of Israel's conditions and orders in the shadow of new achievements in the field.

- The gradual dispersal of Israeli consensus around the option of war in Lebanon.

- Achieving a ceasefire and ending these barbaric attacks.

Tags: hezbollah ، lebanon ، gaza ، israel
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