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Foiled attack ploy to sabotage Iran-Europe relations: Qasemi

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman dismissed claims on Iran’s involvement in a foiled attack on an MKO meeting, saying the arrest of a number of Iranians on suspicion of the attack was a ploy to damage Iran-Europe relations.
News ID: 71059
Publish Date: 03July 2018 - 19:16

Foiled attack ploy to sabotage Iran-Europe relations: QasemiTEHRAN (Defapress) –“The recent scenario was plotted and put into action with the aim to sabotage Iran-Europe relations at the current critical moment and we have abundant and convincing evidence to shed light on this ploy,” said Bahram Qasemi, the Spokesman of Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Tuesday.

He made the remarks after being asked by media to comment about the recent claims by some Western news outlets on the arrest of an Iranian diplomat along with a number of others on suspicion of involvement in a foiled bomb attack targeting a gathering of anti-Iran terror organization Mujaheding-e- Khalq (MKO) in Paris on Saturday.

He described the claim as baseless and unfounded, aimed to undermine the important visit of President Rouhani to Switzerland and Austria.

“After being unsuccessful for holding their annual meeting, the MKO plotted and put this ploy into action to reach their anti-Iranian and anti-humanitarian objectives and make up for their political failures,” said the Iranian diplomat.

He highlighted that the move was intended to influence the public opinion of the Europeans and sabotage the status and position of the Islamic Republic of Iran concurrent with the visit of President Rouhani to Switzerland and Austria.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran, as it has announced repetitively in the past, is opposed to any form of violence and terrorism wherever in the world and according to accessible information, the arrested people in Belgium are well known and operational members of the MKO terrorist group,” he added.

He also assured that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to offer any intelligence assistance in this regard to reveal every aspect of the ploy to the public.

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