26 September 2024
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Iranian Police Ready to Confront Insecurities

TEHRAN (defapress)- Commander of Iran's Law Enforcement Police Brigadier General Hossein Ashtari warned that his forces will confront any attempts to foment insecurity in the country.
News ID: 79509
Publish Date: 07December 2019 - 14:51

Iranian Police Ready to Confront Insecurities"Police are prepared to confront any insecurity in the country and if any incident happens again, we are fully prepared," General Ashtari said in Tehran on Saturday.

He reminded that the police lost two of its forces in the recent unrests and riots in Iran, and added, "Police should keep prepared and the General Staff of Armed Forces, people and officials have acknowledged police's courageous presence in the unrests."

In relevant remarks on Tuesday, Iran's Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Hossein Esmayeeli announced that armed rioters and outlaws wounded and killed a number of people and policemen during the recent unrests after the protest rallies against the gasoline rationing.

"It is confirmed that a considerable number of people have been killed by the outlaws and many officers who were trying to establish order have also been wounded by the weapons of these outlaws too," Esmayeeli told reporters in a press conference in Tehran.

He said arson attacks and plundering the banks and stores and killing of innocent people and police officers were all carried out by the hooligans who were affiliated to the anti-revolutionary and dissident groups and were supported by the foreign spy agencies.

He underlined that the judiciary differentiates between the protestors against the gasoline prices and the outlaws, adding that most of the detained people during the recent unrests have been freed.

On November 15, the government raised Iran’s extremely cheap gas price in order to moderate the national consumption rate, which stands at 110 million liters per day, 40 million liters above the maximum domestic requirement.

The government also announced a number of aid and subsidiary programs to protect vulnerable households from the adverse effects of the measure.

The price reform, required by Iranian legislature and essential as US-imposed sanctions seek to deplete Iran's budgetary resources, had been long delayed due to concerns regarding the move's probable backlash.

The measure's adoption prompted initially peaceful protests, but riotous elements, abusing the situation, quickly entered the scene, destroying public property, setting ablaze banks and gas stations among other facilities, and opening fire on people and security forces.

Intelligence reports and eye-witness accounts showed that the rioters who had taken advantage of public protests against gasoline price hikes to stir chaos in the country were armed with different weapons.

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