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Iran’s Speaker Highlights Friendly Ties with Neighboring Afghanistan

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said on Monday that bolstering friendly ties with Afghanistan is of significant importance to Tehran, and expressed hope that both countries will improve parliamentary cooperation.
News ID: 81240
Publish Date: 02June 2020 - 14:59

Iran’s Speaker Highlights Friendly Ties with Neighboring AfghanistanQalibaf in a phone contact with his Afghan counterpart Mir Rahman Rahmani emphasized the status of good relations with Afghanistan and hoped that mutual interaction and relations, especially between the two parliaments, would further be promoted.

He emphasized the necessity of reinforcing security measures on joint borders, saying that close cooperation between Tehran and Kabul can help counter threats, including terrorism, drug trafficking and interference of foreign states to destabilize the region.

Afghan speaker, for his part, congratulated Qalibaf on his election as Iran's parliament speaker and expressed Afghan parliament's preparedness to broaden friendly relations with Iran in political, economic and cultural fields.

Earlier on Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a phone conversation with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Monday stressed his country's readiness to further strengthen relations and cooperation with Kabul.

Rouhani congratulated Ghani on his new term in office, and expressed satisfaction with the agreement reached between the political groups in the country.

He expressed the hope that with the efforts of all elements of the government and the High Council for National Reconciliation greater peace, stability and security would be achieved in Afghanistan.

Referring to the measures and successes of Iran in the fight against coronavirus and providing free medical and health services to Afghan immigrants, Rouhani said, “Health services to the Afghan brothers in the fight against coronavirus will be continued.”

He stated that the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to develop fraternal and friendly relations and cooperation with all neighbors, specially Afghanistan, and noted, "We consider the development of stability and security in Afghanistan in line with our own stability and security and believe that disagreements among groups can be resolved within the framework of principles and we are always by the side of the Afghan government and people in doing so.”

"We must work to accelerate the implementation of agreements and projects between us, including the Khaf-Herat railway, as one of the most important economic projects between the two countries,” said Iranian President, adding, “The bilateral relations between Iran and Afghanistan are on the path to progress.”

"Completing and launching the Chabahar-Zahedan railway project in the coming year can create a positive transformation in the development of transportation of goods in the region,” he noted.

During the conversation, both sides stressed the need to work for the comprehensive development and strengthening of Tehran-Kabul relations in order to ensure the interests of both nations.

Ghani, for his part, wished good health and success to the government and people of Iran in fighting coronavirus, and praised the assistance and medical services provided to Afghan refugees in Iran.

Referring to the constructive role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the stability and security of the region, Ghani called on Iran to support the peace and dialogue process in Afghanistan.

He also referred to the developing relations between Iran and Afghanistan in various fields and expressed hope that with the efforts of the officials of the two countries, relations and cooperation between the two countries would develop.

In relevant remarks last month, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had also welcomed national reconciliation process among political groups in Afghanistan, and voiced his country’s readiness to bolster solidarity among groups.

Zarif made the remarks in phone calls with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah after the two sides signed a power-sharing deal.

He assured Afghan leaders that Iran is ready to consolidate unity among all groups in the country.

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