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Russia Says Not Afraid of US Sanctions, Will Resume Military Cooperation with Iran

TEHRAN (defapress) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow will resume its military cooperation with Tehran following the termination of the UN Security Council’s arms restrictions against Iran.
News ID: 82317
Publish Date: 18October 2020 - 13:04

Russia Says Not Afraid of US Sanctions, Will Resume Military Cooperation with Iran“Russia is not afraid of US sanctions because it is accustomed to them,” Ryabkov said, according to the TASS news agency on Sunday.

He added that Russia is developing multi-aspect cooperation with Iran and “cooperation in the military-technical sphere will proceed depending on needs of the parties and mutual readiness to such cooperation in a calm fashion.”

The Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran released a statement on Sunday, announcing the official termination of UN Security Council provisions on arms restrictions and travel ban.

The Foreign Ministry said October 18 is “a momentous day for the international community,” praising the world for standing with Tehran “in defiance of the US regime’s efforts.”

The administration of US President Donald Trump suffered an embarrassing loss on August 14 as it failed to renew the Iranian arms embargo through a resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Russia and China voted against the motion and the remaining 11 council members, including France, Germany and the UK, abstained.

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