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Iran Exporting Health Supplies for Coronavirus Fight

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the country’s success in dealing with the novel coronavirus outbreak, saying the Islamic Republic has begun to export the health supplies necessary for the fight against COVID-19 after meeting the domestic demand.
News ID: 80928
Publish Date: 26April 2020 - 12:28

Iran Exporting Health Supplies for Coronavirus FightAddressing a meeting with economic activists from the Iranian private sector on Saturday evening, Rouhani said the Islamic Republic has successfully coped with the coronavirus pandemic.

Commending all Iranians for joining hands in the fight against the contagious disease, he said the administration, private sector, non-governmental public sector, Armed Forces, knowledge-based companies, and medical society have all played a role in the national efforts to contain the coronavirus.

Paying special tribute to the Iranian medical personnel for their devotion to duty, the president said, “They (health staff) are doing a great job today. This is not an easy job. This is an outstanding and great job when you see that the bulk of people admitted to the hospital are being discharged in good health, thank God.”

Highlighting Iran’s major progress in the production of health supplies over the past two months, Rouhani said the administration has not only fulfilled the domestic needs for medical data-x-items and disinfectants, but can even export those products.

 “The administration has permitted the Minister of Industry to allow the plants with overproduction to export (their output),” he said, according to dolat.ir.

Iran has achieved such a great success in coping with the local demand for medical supplies that it is going to export the coronavirus diagnostic test kits in future, the president added.

He also lauded the production of medical ventilators, computerized tomography (CT) scan devices, N95 masks and disinfectants by the domestic knowledge-based companies as a remarkable job, saying such breakthrough has been achieved through the efforts of local companies, private sectors, administrative organizations and banks.

Stressing the need for closer interaction between the state-run and private sectors, he said the social distancing scheme is targeted only at the battle with the coronavirus.

 “In light of closer contacts among the banks, the private sector and the stock market, we will be able to make a great move in the economic arena,” the president underscored.

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