26 October 2024
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Human rights; American code to repeat the crimes

The Islamic Republic of Iran has named June 26 to 2 July as "American Human Rights Week".
News ID: 84710
Publish Date: 30June 2024 - 12:15

TEHRAN (defapress) - By examining the incidents and events of the past years in Iran, the role and influence of the United States as one of the actors of the international system and an interventionist in the affairs of others, including Iran, is crystal clear. According to this definition, the Islamic Republic of Iran has named June 26 to 2 July as "American Human Rights Week".

Human rights; American code to repeat crimes

To better understand the issue, it is better to know that the reason why this week is named "American Human Rights" by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and some official and unofficial institutions and organizations is that in the history of developments and events of more than four decades since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, we come across cases where the role of Washington is, directly and indirectly, evident in these events.

The important events of this week are as follows:

June 27, 1981: An unsuccessful attempt and assassination against the Supreme Leader of the Revolution by the Furqan terrorist group.

June 28, 1981: The bombing of the headquarters of the Islamic Republic Party and assassinating 72 members of this party including Martyr Beheshti by MKO.  

June 28, 1987: Chemical bombardment of the city called Sardasht by Saddam, who was supported by the White House.

June 29, 1981: Assassination of the head of Evin prison, Mahmoud Kachoui by MKO.

July 2, 1982: Assassination of the Imam of Friday prayer, Martyr Ayatollah Sadouqi by MKO.

July 3, 1988: Firing missiles at the Iranian Airbus plane by the American battleship and the martyrdom of 290 passengers and its crew.

Now, by examining the incidents mentioned above, we realize this important point in some cases, the pointed crimes were carried out indirectly, such as the actions of the MKO, and in some cases, directly, such as the missile attack on the Iranian passenger plane with 290 passengers by the American battleship, all were managed and conducted by White House.

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