Updated in: 07 July 2024 - 09:36
missile power

Iran is not dependent on other countries to make missiles

Commander Belali said that all of our rockets are high-precision missiles, and that's the consequence of trusting the youth and having domestic knowledge.
News ID: 84544    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

Missile Power Red Line for Iran: Basij Commander

Commander of Iran’s Basij Force Brigadier General Gholam Hossein Gheibparvar rejected the notion that the Islamic Republic may engage in diplomatic talks with the West on its missile program, saying that the issue is “a red line” for the country.
News ID: 70602    Publish Date : 2018/06/09


Iran to step up developing missile power

Brigadier General Amir Hatami pointed to Iran’s high defense capabilities and potentials, saying that “the country will accelerate the development of its missile program" unhindered by US sanctions.
News ID: 70367    Publish Date : 2018/05/26

Major General Rezaei in a conversation with the Defapress:

We continue to build missiles and we will never be afraid of anyone/ the France must be rational

"We advise the French and Europeans to get a rational course on Iran's missile power ," said Secretary of the convenience committee, stating that there is no negation to make a missile.
News ID: 68360    Publish Date : 2018/01/30

Major spokesman for the armed forces:

No country can not to interfere in Iran's interior interaction

"Not French not any other country can not to interfere in Iran's interior interaction," the spokesman for the armed forces said, saying that discussions on defensive and missile issues and the region's resistance to self-imposed regimes other than delusions are not anything else.
News ID: 68285    Publish Date : 2018/01/26

Alavi in an interview with DefaPress:

Makron's voyage to Iran will have no reaching for him

Pointing out that the French president's aim is to discuss Iran's missile power in Iran, he said: "We do not converse the subject of missile defense with any country, it's not comprehensible to the West, so the voyage" Macron "will not have any achievements for Iran.
News ID: 68262    Publish Date : 2018/01/24

Jasemi in a conversation with DefaPress:

We are not afraid of any country in the path of augment missile power / America is not trustworthy

Representative of Islamic parliament pointed out that America Were not reliable said: Contradictory reaction of Trump about JCPOA the document of disloyalty this country.
News ID: 68173    Publish Date : 2018/01/20

General jazayeri

Negotiate about Iran missile power is excluded

Senior spokesman of armed forces said: negotiate about Iran missile power is excluded
News ID: 67237    Publish Date : 2017/12/03

General Jazayeri in a talking with the (DefaPress);

Forecast of 3 new intrigue by transnational nations after ISIS's defeat

A senior announcer for the armed forces said that the incidence of three new intrigue by transnational states after the defeat of ISIL is foretaste that measures have been taken to deal with these intrigues.
News ID: 67153    Publish Date : 2017/11/26

Salimi in an interview with Defa Press:

Iran's missile power is not negotiable / Saudi Arabia takes the right to life from Yemenis

Talking to the Islamic Consultative Assembly, with an emphasis on military issues that we any negotiation with any country, we cannot say that our nation's missile strength has increased, that we're going to threaten this country. The power of our missile defense is only one aspect.
News ID: 67041    Publish Date : 2017/11/18

dehghani Firoozabadi in a conversation with defa press:

The development of missile power continues

Vice President of the national security and foreign policy Committee, said: we have reached the conclusion that we have the ability to develop and strengthen the defense, missile, and its capabilities, we rely on deterrence
News ID: 66988    Publish Date : 2017/11/14

In an interview with Defapress,

A senior spokesman of the armed forces in Europe warned about entering into a discussion of the missile in Iran

A senior spokesman of the armed forces in response to the claims of European pressure on Iran's authorities in the field of missile defense, said: we highly recommend and notice that the Europeans will not enter this thread.
News ID: 66590    Publish Date : 2017/10/21

Note / Mohammad Hasan Jafari

who trump's enmity is in favor of

Enemies and hostile remarks of Tramp have united the people and the authorities, increase the support of the people of the Revolutionary Guards and its role in fighting terrorism and the development and enhancement of our country's defense and missile capabilities, all of which are conducive to the security of our country.
News ID: 66388    Publish Date : 2017/10/14

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