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Global coalition should be formed against US bullying

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran and Cuba's political and economic potentials should be used to form a coalition against bullying of the United States and its Western allies.
News ID: 84451
Publish Date: 05December 2023 - 09:32

Global coalition should be formed against US bullyingThe Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received the visiting Cuban president for a meeting in Tehran on Monday.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and his accompanying delegation were received by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for a meeting on Monday.

In the meeting, "These potentials and capabilities should be used to form an alliance and coalition among countries that share an approach against the United States and other Western bullying states."

"By focusing on economic cooperation, this coalition can take a common and effective position on important global issues such as the Palestinian issue," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Earlier today, the Cuban delegation held a meeting followed by a press conference with President Ebrahim Raeisi.

He further noted that the Palestine issue has roots in 75 years of occupation, torture, and massacre. "But now the catastrophe in Gaza has grown too big that everyone in the world knows about and it is not possible to deny that."

"The relations between the two countries should be further strengthened in various fields, including scientific cooperation," Ayatollah Khamenei further said, telling the Cuban side to seize the opportunity that Mr. Raeisi's government is in office to advance the bilateral relations and implement bilateral agreements and contracts.

"The Cuban revolution and the personality of Mr. Castro used to greatly inspire Iranian revolutionaries before the victory of the Islamic revolution, and the reason for that was his honesty in his revolutionary positions," the Leader further noted.

"The Cuban revolution and the personality of Mr. Castro used to greatly inspire Iranian revolutionaries before the victory of the Islamic revolution, and the reason for that was his honesty in his revolutionary positions," the Leader further noted.

"Revolutionary honesty", "revolutionary persistence" and "revolutionary seriousness" are the common things between the Cuban revolution and the Islamic Revolution in Iran," Ayatollah Khamenei also noted.
"Relations between Iran and Cuba have been in the right direction since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, and in our talks in Tehran, we concentrated all efforts to deepen these relations, especially in the economic and commercial fields," the Cuban president said.

"The two countries can complement each other in various fields, especially in dealing with the interventionist actions and sanctions on the part of the United States and its allies," Miguel Díaz-Canel added.

"Iran and Cuba can also increase their communication in international cooperation and be influential in important global issues such as Palestine," he added.

"What is happening in Gaza today is an unacceptable genocide and international organizations have closed their eyes to the killing of tens of thousands of people in Gaza, two-thirds of whom are children and women. They (Western powers) complained against Russia and accused it of the killing of civilians, now they are silent against the killing of tens of thousands of people in Gaza, and this shows a terrible situation in the world.​

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