Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38

The strategic and dynamic front of Hezbollah

Lebanon's Hezbollah is at the peak of its power and does not make a promise unless it fulfills it.
News ID: 84798    Publish Date : 2024/07/21


Israel's foolish acts in Yemen can cause a serious confrontation in the region

Hezbollah issued Saturday a statement of strong support to the Yemeni people and leadership in this confrontation.
News ID: 84794    Publish Date : 2024/07/21

The Zionist regime's drone attack on southern Lebanon

Lebanese sources reported the attack of the Zionist regime's drone on an area in southern Lebanon.
News ID: 84791    Publish Date : 2024/07/20

Israel will lose all tanks if they raid the South Lebanon

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah confirms that if Israel attacked southern Lebanon, they would lose all their tanks.
News ID: 84783    Publish Date : 2024/07/17

Occupied Haifa's Mayor:

We are preparing for a potential war in the North

Occupied Haifa's Mayor confessed that they are preparing for an all-out war in the North.
News ID: 84780    Publish Date : 2024/07/15

Shlagim outpost in the Hezbollah's targets bank

Lebanon's Hezbollah released new images of the Shlagim base in the north of the occupied territories, which is said to be one of Hezbollah's targets in a possible future war.
News ID: 84764    Publish Date : 2024/07/13

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah:

Hamas represents the axis of resistance in the negotiations

Referring to the threats of the Zionist regime, the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah said: We are always prepared for the worst scenarios.
News ID: 84755    Publish Date : 2024/07/10

Hezbollah releases videos of large retaliatory attacks against Israeli military bases

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has released a video of striking three Israeli military bases lying in the northern part of the occupied Palestinian territories.
News ID: 84749    Publish Date : 2024/07/08

Hostile attack of IOF on southern Lebanon

In a new hostile movement, the Tel Aviv regime once again targeted areas in southern Lebanon early on Monday.
News ID: 84744    Publish Date : 2024/07/08

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah congratulates Pezeshkian

The Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah sent a message to Iran's President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian, congratulating him on his victory in the Friday presidential election runoff.
News ID: 84736    Publish Date : 2024/07/07

Hezbollah hit Israel bases with heavy warhead rockets

At least two Israeli soldiers are injured after Hezbollah fighters conduct an operation against a major military installation in the occupied lands in response to acts of aggression against southern Lebanon.
News ID: 84731    Publish Date : 2024/07/06

Israel is close to the finish line of Rafah operation

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly holding discussions with senior military leaders about ending the Rafah operation and dramatically altering the nature of the war.
News ID: 84717    Publish Date : 2024/07/01

Hezbollah warfare technologies shadowed on Israel

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah enjoys very dangerous military equipment and technologies, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonot said in a report.
News ID: 84712    Publish Date : 2024/07/01

Mock air raids of Israel warplanes over Beirut

Israeli warplanes have reportedly carried out “mock air raids” over the Lebanese capital Beirut amid the regime’s threats of launching wholesale military action against the country.
News ID: 84709    Publish Date : 2024/06/30

Arab League ceases labeling Hezbollah as a terrorist organization

The Arab League’s assistant secretary-general said that the Arab League no longer considers Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
News ID: 84704    Publish Date : 2024/06/30

US flinches from supporting Israel in war with Hezbollah

Joint Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown warned that the US would not be able to support Israel in front of an all-out war with Hezbollah.
News ID: 84694    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

Hezbollah unveiled precision missiles

The new movie of Lebanon's Hezbollah revealed the Hezbollah's precision missiles.
News ID: 84691    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

Iraqi Resistance will support Hezbollah in case of Israel attack

In light of Israeli threats against Lebanon, the Iraqi Resistance vowed to support the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon in the face of "Israel".
News ID: 84684    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Hezbollah threatened the vital locations of the Zionist regime

Hezbollah warned Israel and any other countries who attacked Lebanon, will regret that.
News ID: 84682    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Doomsday clock ticking for Israel’s annihilation

As Israel’s saber-rattling against Lebanon’s Hezbollah heats up, the regime’s vulnerability in case of a possible full-blown conflict with the resistance movement is thrust into the public spotlight.
News ID: 84679    Publish Date : 2024/06/22

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