Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38

Lebanon’s Hezbollah hits Israeli regime spy base

Lebanon’s Hezbollah Resistance Movement has carried out a rocket attack against an Israeli regime’s spy base in the northern parts of the occupied Palestinian territories.
News ID: 84502    Publish Date : 2024/02/13

Arabs, Muslims must take clear stance on Israel genocide

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement has called on Arab countries and the Muslim world to adopt a clear stance in the face of Israel’s ongoing atrocities against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84424    Publish Date : 2023/11/15

Ayatollah Khamenei:

Virus of Zionism Will Be Uprooted from West Asia

TEHRAN (defapress) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei expressed confidence that the virus of Zionist regime will be eliminated from the West Asian region in the not-too-distant future.
News ID: 81181    Publish Date : 2020/05/22

Ayatollah Khamenei:

Virus of Zionism Will Be Uprooted from West Asia

TEHRAN (defapress) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei expressed confidence that the virus of Zionist regime will be eliminated from the West Asian region in the not-too-distant future.
News ID: 81180    Publish Date : 2020/05/22

Assyrian MP: Netanyahu after Psychological War against Iran

Representative of Iranian Assyrians at the Parliament Yonatan Betkolia blasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his video message on water shortage in Iran, describing it as a psychological operation by the Zionist regime.
News ID: 70808    Publish Date : 2018/06/18

Iran to give reprimanding response to enemy's plots

Canada's decision to put Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on terrorist groups list is under the influence of international Zionism, and Iran's response to evil plans will make them regret, said a spokesman of Iran's military forces on Thursday.
News ID: 70749    Publish Date : 2018/06/14

Lebanese speaker: Iran-Saudi Arabia talks 'urgent need'

Holding negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia is an urgent need, Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon Nabih Berri said.
News ID: 69791    Publish Date : 2018/04/21

Defapress reports;

Zionist prime minister's financial corruption / Zionist calls for Netanyahu's resignation

The Zionist regime's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's case has never gone to courtroom of the Zionist regime,zionists calling for Netanyahu resignation from his post.
News ID: 69166    Publish Date : 2018/03/12

General Jazayeri:

The Future is belong to Nojaba / Najba boycotts by the US means the advent of a new power

"The boycott is not a calculated of power, but a response to a new power," said the future of this Islamic resistance is niche and position.
News ID: 69007    Publish Date : 2018/03/04

Press defense reports;

Diplomatic war between Arab countries

A new diplomatic encounter between several Arab countries over political issues has become a crisis in Western Asia. UAE, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Iran, Islamic Resistance, sanction, women, visa, human rights, social democrat, jordan, sporting tournament, ban, oman
News ID: 67731    Publish Date : 2017/12/26

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