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Jafar Ghaffarzadeh will / Will not die, who is martyred, but alive

Martyr Ghaffarzadeh said in his will: "How many mothers who delivered their spouses and their children to God and not mourned, because the person who is martyred does not die, but is alive."
News ID: 69086
Publish Date: 09March 2018 - 01:03

Jafar Ghaffarzadeh will / Will not die, who is martyred, but aliveAccording to the reporter of Sajed , the martyr "Jafar Ghaffarzadeh Aghdam" he was born in Saveh in April 1963. With the onset of the imposed war, he fled to the front of the right against the victim, and finally came to the rank of martyrs on January 9, 1983.

Here is the text of the will of this martyr:

"My martyrdom is my wish, and I want my blood being Flood and destroy the Saddam palace.

My brothers till Saddam military is on the earth. calm is a shame. I volunteered for this Jihad Asghar and Jihad Akbar, I am self-made, so that I will continually tolerate the power of the superpowers and the worldly people of the East and the West, and will be the way to Hussein (AS).

I have all the time spoken in my own way with my god, O Allah, my beloved, I am giving you to John Paul and this great child of the great Khomeini, who is the humble man, that is to say, I will forgive the poor and small siblings, Do not hurt me from the world, because I'm unhappy how can I bear the anxiety of the grave, and we owe our brothers and sisters to live and have chance. Let's go to the right path tomorrow is late. The first is to help the Imam and pray for him and pray to the Lord throughout the prayer, give a long life to the Imams of the Ummah, pray for the warriors, and Friday nights for prayer And option because of custom and narration that Imam Ali (AS) says: The best prayer is komeil, and the teachings of Komeil, which are the properties of his friends, are called at night and at midnight and every night of Friday, and to experience from the evil of the number And successful Bob is the delivery of forgiveness of sins.

And O my mother, who from childhood has so far suffered for hoisting us and raising us, and I know that your lay is in paradise, and O father, who did work and raised us and delivered us to Islam, thank God I'm leaving.

And O my sister and my brother, so that you have the chance to attach your bond with your God and do not forget the prayer, and I ask your mother not to cry in my death, so that my blood is not more fading than the blood of the martyrs. How many mothers who delivered their spouses and children to God did not suffer, because the person who is martyred is not dead, but alive.

And, Mother John, I ask you to do this and make me happy, and I ask for importune those who are upset to me, and the mother of the Father and the Father of John will ask you to join with the many of our families who be of the same opinion with this revolution and this Are not the leader, do not go and you are the model for revolution and Islam, I have no cross, just do not cry and put me in paradise Zahra and with military uniforms.

Waleslam »

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