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Syrian Army Finds White Helmets' Video Shooting Location

The Syrian Army troops could find a site used by the pro-militant White Helmet Organization to produce its fake videos during their mop-up operations in Eastern Ghouta, an Arab media outlet reported on Tuesday.
News ID: 69668
Publish Date: 11April 2018 - 13:42

Syrian Army Finds White Helmets' Video Shooting LocationTehran(Defapress) Al-Ahd news website reported that the army has discovered a location in the small town of Saqba in Eastern Ghouta that was used by the White Helmets to shoot and produce videos that depict the army as a savage force that kills civilians mercilessly.

It further said that the army men found a series of cameras and film-production equipment at the site.

On Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry denied reports of an alleged chemical bomb being dropped on Douma, suggesting that a number of Western states as well as NGOs like the White Helmets turned to such claims in order to undermine the evacuation of Jeish al-Islam terrorists from the area.

"We strongly deny these claims and announce our readiness to send Russian experts in radiation, chemical and biological defense to Douma after its liberation from terrorists to gather evidence, which would prove that the allegations on the chemical weapons use was staged," Maj. Gen. Yuri Yevtushenko, commander of the Russian Center for Syria reconciliation, said.

The Syrian government has also denied allegations of having used chemical weapons in the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, saying it doesn't need such measures to stop the terrorists.

According to the statement, issued by the Syrian authorities on the state-run SANA news agency, such claims have been made by terrorists and are aimed at hindering Syrian forces, which have made “a swift and determined advance” and do not need such measures to deter the terrorists.

"The chemical fabrications, which did not serve the terrorists and their sponsors in Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta, will not serve them today either, as the Syrian state is determined to end terrorism in every square inch of Syrian territory," the statement read.

The US State Department has voiced concern about the reports of chemical weapons being used in Douma, suggesting that Russia was accountable for the brutal targeting of countless Syrians.

Washington has also accused Damascus of chemical weapons use, alleging that “history” of such weapons being used by the country’s government was “not in dispute”.

Earlier, several media outlets had cited militants in Syria accusing the authorities in Damascus of using chemical weapons in Douma, with Jeish al-Islam claiming that the government forces had dropped a chemical bomb on Eastern Ghouta.

Last month, Damascus reported that several foreign experts were working on staging a chemical attack, which would be carried out with the help of the infamous White Helmets and would be covered by mainstream media. The same warning was issued by the Russian Center for Syria reconciliation in January.

The Syrian government has consistently denied all claims of chemical weapons use, arguing that the country’s stockpiles had been destroyed, which has been confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

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