Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38

UK delayed the ICC decision on arrest warrants for Israeli officials

The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision over potential arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, will be delayed for weeks after the UK requested a review by the court on whether it has jurisdiction over Israeli citizens.
News ID: 84714    Publish Date : 2024/06/30

UK-owned ship hit by projectile off Yemen's Hodeidah coast

A British-owned cargo ship was hit by a projectile while sailing off the coast of Yemen's Hodeidah, a maritime security firm said on Tuesday.
News ID: 84492    Publish Date : 2024/02/13

Escalation to only add to West’s woes in region: Yemen

The spokesman of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement says attacks by the United States and allies on countries in West Asia will only complicate the situation in the region.
News ID: 84489    Publish Date : 2024/02/05

Iran FM warns US, UK not to test ‘wrath of region’

The Iranian foreign minister has condemned the United States and the United Kingdom's attacks on Yemen, saying that Iran considers the security of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Palestine to be the security of the region.
News ID: 84488    Publish Date : 2024/02/05

Yemen directly hits UK tanker in support of Gaza

Yemen's Armed Forces report striking a British oil tanker heading towards the occupied territories, in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, who are enduring a genocidal US and UK-backed Israeli war.
News ID: 84472    Publish Date : 2024/01/31

UK Says ‘No Point’ in EU Negotiators Coming to London for Talks

TEHRAN (defapress)- There "no point" in EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier coming to London on Monday for planned Brexit talks, Downing Street announced, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson said negotiations were over unless Brussels adopted a "fundamental change of approach.
News ID: 82307    Publish Date : 2020/10/17

EU Warns UK Against Breaking International Law over Brexit Deal

TEHRAN (defapress)- Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European commission, warned UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson not to break international law as her Brexit negotiator said he would seek answers over claims that Downing Street is planning to negate parts of the withdrawal agreement.
News ID: 81966    Publish Date : 2020/09/07

UK Minister Says France Must Tackle Channel Migrant Crossings

TEHRAN (defapress) - Britain is facing an “unacceptable” rise in the number of boats carrying migrants across the English Channel and would act to send “illegal” entrants back to France, immigration compliance minister Chris Philp wrote in a newspaper article published on Saturday.
News ID: 81763    Publish Date : 2020/08/08

UK Accused of Selling Arms to Saudi Arabia A Year after Court Ban

TEHRAN (defapress) - The British government stands accused of ignoring a landmark court ruling restricting UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia, a report said.
News ID: 81375    Publish Date : 2020/06/21

UK PM Reportedly 'Scrapped' Health Security Threats Committee Shortly Before Pandemic

TEHRAN (defapress)- UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson “scrapped” a team of senior ministers who were charged with protecting the country from security hazards, including the threat of a pandemic, just six months before the outbreak of coronavirus, The Daily Mail’s investigation revealed.
News ID: 81321    Publish Date : 2020/06/14

UK Formally Leaves the European Union, Begins Brexit Transition Period

TEHRAN (defapress) – The UK finally left the EU on Friday evening after 47 years of membership, marking one of the biggest political and economic shifts in modern European history.
News ID: 80068    Publish Date : 2020/02/01


UK ambassador given serious warning

TEHRAN (defapress) – Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araghchi said on Monday that following UK ambassador's presence in an illegal gathering, he was given a serious warning to avoid repetition of such a move in Iran.
News ID: 79967    Publish Date : 2020/01/21

UK follows US in designating Hazbollah as terrorist org.

TEHRAN (defapress) – Britain’s Treasury said that it will freeze all assets of Hezbollah as the group has been designated as terrorist organization according to its Terrorism and Terrorist Financing rules.
News ID: 79928    Publish Date : 2020/01/17

Iran Condemns UK’s Improper Conducts, Warns of Proportionate Response

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemned the British ambassador’s unlawful and unprofessional measure and his suspicious attendance at a gathering in Tehran, as well as the inappropriate comments made by some other UK officials.
News ID: 79897    Publish Date : 2020/01/14


UK Envoy Not Under Detention

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi categorically dismissed the claim that British Ambassador to Tehran Robert Macaire is under detention, asserting that the envoy was arrested and immediately freed because of participation in an illegal street event.
News ID: 79876    Publish Date : 2020/01/12

Envoy says report on UK embassy downsizing in Iran ‘fake news’

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian ambassador to the UK, Hamid Baeidinjead, said the report on the British embassies’ downsizing in Iran and Iraq was ‘fake news’.
News ID: 79821    Publish Date : 2020/01/07


UK Arms Sales to Saudi-Led Coalition Up by Almost 50%

TEHRAN (defapress) – The value of UK arms sold to a Saudi-led military coalition waging war on Yemen increased by 45 percent over the past five years despite the introduction of an international treaty to limit the sale of weapons, research revealed.
News ID: 79681    Publish Date : 2019/12/25

Pompeo holds phone conversation with UK counterpart on Iran

TEHRAN (defapress) – The US Secretary of State and UK Foreign Secretary consulted on Iran and Russia during a telephone conversation, as well as the future of trade relations and security issues.
News ID: 79653    Publish Date : 2019/12/22


UK Brexit Delays Aimed at Weakening EU Positions

TEHRAN (defapress) – Commenting on the UK parliament’s adoption of an amendment allowing to delay Brexit, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the delays in the process can be explained by London’s desire to weaken the positions of its European partners.
News ID: 79044    Publish Date : 2019/10/20

UK Supreme Court to Finish Hearing Case against PM Johnson

TEHRAN (defapress) – Britain's Supreme Court will hear a third and final day of legal arguments on Thursday over whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted unlawfully when he suspended parliament in the run-up to Brexit.
News ID: 78745    Publish Date : 2019/09/19

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