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“Osmani” In a conversation with DefaPress, emphasized;

Expulsion of IAEA inspectors from Iran in case of contravention

Representative of Islamic parliament said: "If the deal is contravened by the Americans, we are prepared to expulsion the IAEA inspectors from the country and start our nuclear activities more quickly,"
News ID: 68152
Publish Date: 19January 2018 - 13:30

Expulsion of IAEA inspectors from Iran in case of contraventionAccording to defapress reporter Mohammad Qassem Osmani, a member of the board of directors and a representative of the Bokan people in the Islamic parliament, He added: the foreign policy of imbalance, lack of necessary and stating words ozant paradox and extremes that has caused the American casting the international community with the United States do not have the necessary accompaniment.

Judge Zadeh Hashemi noted: our foreign policy should be taking advantage of this space does not permit a global consensus against our country and against the United States in a reverse process to keep track of.

This Parliament regarding the French role in regional issues, said the French are looking to play a role in the region, but the actor is not serious; however, we must create a global consensus against the failure of our policy in the country.

Stating that if Trump revoke berjam nuclear Agency inspectors expelled from Iran, and we will, said: in the absence of Trump in order to keep our berjam for the line and showing that we are to show their goodwill towards berjam, we stopped enrichment. If berjam from the Americans is a violation, we have prepared this Atomic Energy Agency inspectors expelled from the country and its nuclear activities will begin more quickly.

This is the home of the nation's representative pointed out that the American sanctions and threats to our country is not a new issue, continued: one of the sanctions that were applied against Iran, about 22 years ago at the time of "the American President" Clinton time on the topic was oil that American oil companies Investment in oil and gas projects in Iran were denied. In the absence of the U.S. sanctions against our country, which was not the subject of the missile was raised and not the nuclear issue.

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