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Will of Shahid Abbas Ali Madadi /How can I thank you for my life as an Islamic condition in my country in order to save the contamination?

Martyr Ali-Madadi wrote in his will: "Dear Imam Hossein, if on Ashura I was not going to help you, now you see that I have been ready and I have been on the way to the operation, I wish that you will be proud of this act too. I'll be your servant. "
News ID: 68711
Publish Date: 17February 2018 - 11:41

Will of Shahid Abbas Ali Madadi /How can I thank you for my life as an Islamic condition in my country in order to save the contamination?According to the reporter of Sajed ,Martyr "Abbas Ali Medadi" was born in Tehran in February 1965and was sent to the Front of Law against the invalid on the occasion of the imposed war. He was martyred on July 21, 1985 in Shalamcheh.

Here is the text of the will of this martyr:

I am thankful for the martyrdom and you did not give up on a life of sin and black on bed in bed.
O God, I am glad that I saw my testimony as sweet as in my opinion, so that I could reap it to get it.

How do you thank God how I lived my life with the Islamic government in my country so that I could save the ugliness. Imam Hossein Dear, if I was not on Ashura day, I would like to help you. Now you see that I am wearing a dress and I'm on the way to the operation, I wish that with this dress you will be proud to be your item and servant. O my dear Imam, great grandfather of Basiji, and O Habib bin Mazeor, at these moments, dear and I will send you the holiest and warmest greetings that spring from the depths of my heart.

My dear Imam, I saved you by the grace of God from the mourning that I was going to drown in. Against your great grace, my tongue is a loss to say thanks.

Dear godfather and mother, God bless you to raise me up so that I will walk in the beloved altar to satisfy God and to keep God's religion alive. May Allah grant you reward and recompense? I know well that I was not a good son for you, and I know that you wanted me to be your old age handkerchief, but God is great. Be patient with my dear mother, and for your mother Wahhab's model, remember that his child is Rockefeller.

I want my dear sisters to be their model of Zaynab (SA), keep their veil and not to be sad about my testimony, that this Divine Mercy is not for everyone, be patient and resistant like Zaynab Kobra

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