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Israel military, great heaven for mercenaries

As the Israeli regime is committing a full-scale invasion in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, Rafah, which shelters 1.5 million displaced Palestinians, this situation sounds the alarm internationally about the consequences of this catastrophic action.
News ID: 84530
Publish Date: 13May 2024 - 09:53

Israel military, great heaven for mercenariesTEHRAN (defapress) - A look at the history can prove that since the foundation of the Israeli regime, terrorist organizations like Haganah, Palmach, and Irgun constituted the backbone of it. In other words, the Israeli regime has given birth to by operations of terrorist organizations to occupy the Palestinian territories.  

In the meantime, recruiting foreign mercenaries and giving them leeway to carry out terrorist activities and crimes against Palestinians has been one of the regular methods of the Israeli army for the past 75 years, which has been repeated in the recent Gaza war.

According to estimates, thousands of American, British, Spanish, and other foreigners serve in the Israeli military as mercenaries.

These mercenaries participate not only in combat operations but also in protecting settlements, providing logistical support, and training local forces.

According to the Israeli army, more than 23,000 American citizens are currently serving in various military ranks. About 10 percent of the military's casualties since the invasion of Gaza have been American.

In December, a French lawmaker revealed that over 4,000 French citizens served in the Israeli army since the Gaza war began. According to reports, up to 1,000 Australians, 1,000 Italians, and 400 Indians are also present in the Israeli army. Other countries, including Germany, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, and South Africa, have also been mentioned as recruitment origins for the Israeli military.

Recruitment methods

One of the main recruitment programs known as MAHAL is intended for Jewish youth from foreign countries who wish to volunteer for a short military service in the Israeli military. According to the program's official website, young Jews from foreign countries can join the military as tourists and receive residency visas.

The program only recruits "highly motivated" fighters who do not have family in Israel. They announced that many volunteers come to the occupied territories independently to enlist in the army and are known as "lone soldiers" during their service.

According to reports, these soldiers whose number goes beyond 7,000 are paid twice the ordinary monthly salaries. According to military estimates, 35 percent of them are from the US. In 2020, 9 percent of lone soldiers in the Israeli army were from Canada. Nearly 90 of the volunteers enroll in combat units.

The London-based Arab Institute for Human Rights reported that Zionist organizations seek to recruit foreign volunteers from Europe, the US, and other countries for service in the Israeli army.

The most prominent of these organizations are Sar-El, Garin Tzabar, Aish Malach, Friends of the IDF, and MAHAL, in addition to charities that raise funds for the Israeli OCC.

By the presence of these military organizations, since the beginning of the Gaza war, Israeli occupation forces killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, 72 percent of them being children and women. Meanwhile, the Israelis deliberately and systematically martyred Palestinian civilians. 

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